CARY - INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has opened nominations for the Hygienix Innovation Award.

The award recognises a new product or technology in the absorbent hygiene, personal, pet, and wound care industries that expands the usage of nonwoven fabrics.

The Award will be presented at Hygienix 2024, which is scheduled for 18-21 November at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

Nominations will be accepted until 16 September at -

Nominees will be selected from a broad range of new products or technologies that have been commercially available at most two years prior to Hygienix 2024. Eligible categories include, but are not limited to: raw materials, roll goods, converting, packaging, active ingredients, binders, additives, and end-use products.

Three finalists will present their innovations to industry leaders at Hygienix on19 November. The winner will be announced on 21 November.

Last year’s Hygienix Innovation Award was presented to Sequel for their Sequel Spiral Tampon. The Sequel Spiral Tampon features a proprietary spiral design that is engineered to be more fluid mechanically efficient, meaning it is designed to absorb more evenly and not leak before it's full.

In August 2023, the Sequel Spiral Tampon received clearance from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a medical device.

To submit your nomination, visit:

For questions about the Hygienix Innovation Award, contact Vickie Smead, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +1.919.459.3715.

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