CARY – INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry, has announced the programme for IDEA 25, its two-day ‘Sustainability in Nonwovens’ conference.
IDEA 25 will take place 29th April – 1 May, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Florida.
The IDEA 25 conference will bring together industry professionals to share knowledge and strategies to advance sustainable practices, highlighting the need for ongoing innovation, regulatory compliance, and incorporating eco-friendly materials to foster a more sustainable future.
It will feature a dynamic line-up of expert speakers and panel discussions addressing pressing issues and transformative solutions to foster a more sustainable future.
The full program is available on the website:
The conference will include engaging sessions on various pertinent topics such as regulatory trends, data and technology, innovative and sustainable materials, hemp and natural fibres, bioplastics, equipment and processes, and integrating sustainability throughout the lifecycle of products.
Highlights include:
April 29:
- Navigating the Shifting Winds of Sustainability Regulations: Gain U.S. and European Union perspectives on compliance and innovation in the face of evolving regulations
- “In God We Trust… All Others Bring Data”: Learn how to craft a believable and transparent sustainability story
- Innovative and Sustainable Materials: Discover how green product development starts with greener nonwovens
- Hemp Fibers in Nonwovens: Explore the potential of hemp and other natural fibers and their applications in sustainable products
April 30:
- Cradle to Grave Bioplastics: Understand the importance of ensuring sustainability in the use of bioplastics from the beginning to the end-of-life
- Design for Sustainability: Explore the impact of product and process design on overall product sustainability, during two sessions
- Cradle to Next Life: Challenge the “to the grave” mentality and explore strategies for product reincarnation
The conference is an integral part of IDEA, the premier event for the nonwoven and engineered fabric industry. Hundreds of companies from around the globe representing the entire global supply chain will showcase their latest innovations at the exhibition.
To register for IDEA25, visit the event website: