LEIPZIG - A new measuring device from Emtec Electronic aims to transform the way nonwovens and textile manufacturers test the haptic of their products. All of the parameters responsible for determining a fabric’s hand-feel can now be objectively measured and digitized in just a few minutes, the company says. Additionally, the new release includes a cloud-based haptic library that allows easy categorization and comparison of samples across sites.
As with its predecessor, the upgraded TSA delivers objective data using a measuring principle that simulates the human fingertips; the portable lab device measures the haptic traits softness, smoothness, flexibility, elasticity and recovery/deformation.
With the new product launch, it will be possible to determine even more features regarding haptic – these additional functions are set to be revealed at the ITMA 2023. Taken together, the individually measured traits form the basis for an overall hand-feel measurement – calculated from proprietary algorithms based on the product’s application and target market – that closely correlates with the expectations of the consumers of the respective market. In contrast with traditional hand-panel rankings, however, the individually measured haptic parameters give manufacturers a deeper understanding of consumer preference.
“The TSA sheds light on the question: Why is this product preferred over another? Is it because of the softness, elasticity, cushion, or a specific combination of certain traits?” explains Alexander Gruener, Global Marketing and Business Development Manager for Emtec. “With the improvements to the established TSA, manufacturers have even more tools at hand with which they can define and refine their product’s appeal.”
Significantly, the redesign now includes a cloud-based digital haptic library, which stores and categories the exact properties of a sample and is accessible from anywhere in the world. The digitalization of the haptic results greatly improves supply chain communication, since brands can communicate product specifications, compare samples and find sample matches in the databank across locations. This in turn accelerates fabric development, assures product quality, and reduces courier costs required to send development samples, thereby reducing the overall environmental footprint.
Additionally, the TSA allows manufacturers to take a high-resolution image of the sample with a built-in camera, showing in detail the weave pattern and structure, measure the haptic properties, then digitally capture and categorize the sample in the online library.